Geraniums, Star Jasmine, Hibiscus and More have arrived!

New Geraniums, Star Jasmine, Hibiscus and More!

Flowers feed the soul, so get beautiful plants to feed yours! We have geraniums, star jasmine, hibiscus, false agave, firecracker bush, mandevilla, ligularia, bird of paradise, philodendron, bottlebrush, tibouchina and others! It’s time to bring on the sun!

Don’t forget to feed your plants with Ferti-Lome and MicroLife fertilizers!

MicroLife 6-2-4 Multi-Purpose, MicroLife Brown Patch 5-1-3, MicroLife Humates, MicroLife Acidifier 6-2-4, MicroLife Ultimate 8-4-6, MicroLife MicroGro Granular

MicroLife 6-2-4 Multi-Purpose, MicroLife Brown Patch 5-1-3, MicroLife Humates, MicroLife Acidifier 6-2-4, MicroLife Ultimate 8-4-6, MicroLife MicroGro Granular

Ferti-lome fertilizers and soil amendments including Rose Food 14-12-11, Bougainvillea & Flowering Vine Food 17-7-10, Tree and Shrub Food 19-8-10, Dusting Wettable Sulfur and more.

Ferti-lome fertilizers and soil amendments including Rose Food 14-12-11, Bougainvillea & Flowering Vine Food 17-7-10, Tree and Shrub Food 19-8-10, Dusting Wettable Sulfur and more.